Friday, March 25, 2005


I remember really liking Easter as a kid, because I got to look for my Easter basket, and it would sometimes have a cool toy in it.
I know it is corny, but, it was fun.
Now, my Easter eggs are probably just self-discovery. But, see, some of the things in learning about yourself just aren't pleasant.
Thankfully, though, my Easter basket didn't contain issues of self-destruction or self-doubt, unless those little yellow peeps were meant to symbolize that. I had better ask my mom.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

The Tail Gate Guy

Before you think I'm going to get on my high horse about somebody tailgating me, and me getting all bent out of shape, that's not what I'm going to gripe about.
I was driving to work this morning, and heading down one of the many surface streets I need to use to get to the freeway. I wasn't very close to him, but he kept slowing down further, and I'd end up closer, at least for a moment when he'd slow down, and then he started waving his hands around as if I were really riding his backside.
Now, I wasn't. Not in the amount where you'd think, 'hey, that guy's too close to me!'.
I guess we're all really edgy at times. Maybe we're all more edgy generally. Maybe the pace of life has gotten so that even the little infractions seem really bad.
I mean, I could see myself doing the same thing if I were in his shoes. And it so often has to do with driving, doesn't it? I'm sure there's some deeply profound reason for that, but, let's just keep at it, we get pissy about driving.
And he did.

Saturday, March 19, 2005


Yeah, ok, so I haven't been posting a lot lately. Too friggin' tired.
I've been putting extra time at work. You know, the whole, maybe my efforts won't go unnoticed, and I'll get the bump up. I have to find some time to study. I have an exam on Friday. Exciting insurance exam. Exciting exam of insurance crap. Wooo. I should, in theory, know this stuff... it is the basic, intro course material, and god knows I've been doing this long enough that I better know, um, I don't know, what liability coverage is versus workers compensation.
So, I'll fuss more later. After I've taken the test.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Scary Boogeymen

It is all well and good to lack the critical thinking skills and ability to question the world around you. You know, making a point about something without falling back on stupid-thinking, personal attack, unsubstantiated bull, and so on.
And I don't want to be that person. But I will be for a few.
Our president makes me scared. Scared like there are things happening that are so big and so bad, that if we weren't such a bunch of complacent, lazy fuckers, we'd probably dismantle our entire government and start over. I just can't help but get the feeling the W is an idiot. I also can't help but get the feeling that the people he is friends with get him to do things that are so incredibly short-sighted and with such long-term potential for disasterous consequences that I can't help but believe we are all pretty much fucked.
And I guess that's 'boogeyman thinking'. But these boogeymen are pretty goddamn evil.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Ups and Downs

I was thinking about going to the doctor today. I changed my mind. I wasn't feeling too hot the last few days, but I have been feeling better and I figured I didn't need to go to the doctor and be told that. I wish that I had felt like this last weekend. It would have made our trip a lot more enjoyable.

Anyway, I'm hungry. I've been hungry a lot lately. I did really well, but I'm afraid as hungry as I've been that I'm gaining weight back. I have to get focused again.

I need to clean up my living space. I'm going to do it in marathon form the next two days. My brother is coming to stay with me and I want things to be in better shape.

I need to work on my website. We got some more nifty software. I better make use of it or I'll get a little pissy. I think I will though. One thing is Paint Shop Pro 9, which has a nice set of features, for jazzing up the look. The other is probably more for the girlfriend. It is Corel's Painter IX. I think I'll enjoy it as well. I don't really know how much applicability it will have to the site per se, but I wanted to have a good all-around painting tool, and I think the girlfriend will enjoy it a lot, given her proclivities.

But, before I can play around with those, I really need to get things in order. Bottom line.