Ups and Downs
I was thinking about going to the doctor today. I changed my mind. I wasn't feeling too hot the last few days, but I have been feeling better and I figured I didn't need to go to the doctor and be told that. I wish that I had felt like this last weekend. It would have made our trip a lot more enjoyable.
Anyway, I'm hungry. I've been hungry a lot lately. I did really well, but I'm afraid as hungry as I've been that I'm gaining weight back. I have to get focused again.
I need to clean up my living space. I'm going to do it in marathon form the next two days. My brother is coming to stay with me and I want things to be in better shape.
I need to work on my website. We got some more nifty software. I better make use of it or I'll get a little pissy. I think I will though. One thing is Paint Shop Pro 9, which has a nice set of features, for jazzing up the look. The other is probably more for the girlfriend. It is Corel's Painter IX. I think I'll enjoy it as well. I don't really know how much applicability it will have to the site per se, but I wanted to have a good all-around painting tool, and I think the girlfriend will enjoy it a lot, given her proclivities.
But, before I can play around with those, I really need to get things in order. Bottom line.
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