Monday, February 14, 2005

Killer Shrimp

So, I saw this TV commercial. It was for Sizzler or a restaurant like that. It's probably better that I don't remember, because I'd probably have nightmares with their company logo in them.
This guy was fantasizing about this giant shrimp running across the beach toward him - with his tail between his legs foward. Basically, a shrimp with a raging boner. It was a little unnerving.

Now, I thought, ok, anatomically, if a shrimp were bipedal while retaining the rest of its features and were able to breathe on land, I suppose it would have its tail pointed forward underneath it like that. No fault to the advertising agency for 'accuracy'. But, still, it was a shrimp that was pretty excited to be running to this guy.

The second time I saw this ad, the shrimp's tail was pointed away from its back. Apparently, aroused shrimp weren't going over well with, um, someone who noticed besides me. Frankly, I found it disturbing, not obscene. It also doesn't mean that I wouldn't have stared at it again if the train-wreck of a commercial aired another time. Now I was a little disappointed. I didn't think it would be the case, but I missed the excited shrimp. I guess I felt a little sad for the guy in the commerical now, who was being run to by the shrimp, but now, Mr. Shrimp didn't look so, um, happy to see him.


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